Coaching as comprehensive positioning

At some point, everyone has a phase in which questions arise such as, “Am I still at the right place, in the right position?” or “It isn’t right for me anymore, but I don’t know where to go”. These questions are often triggered by external events such as losing a task, role, or job.

I can support you using the modularly structured personal positioning package. This includes a professional personality assessment embedded in a coaching session. I conduct the personality assessment with a brief explanation of the initial situation as well as expectations and goals. After the assessment has been done, we discuss the results and findings before we work together on options and actions toward achieving the goals.

Aspects of the assessment are also relevant for positioning teams, to reveal team strengths and challenges, e.g. for dealing with team conflicts or as a team-building method.

Coaching – personality assessment

🟢 Module 4:
Competence management

  • What is my style of thinking, working, and relating?
  • What innate or learned skills do I have?
  • What cognitive skills, e.g. abstract/logical thinking, do I have?

🔵 Module 3:
Stress management

  • What stresses me out?
  • How do I react to stress?
  • What effect does stress have on me?

🟡 🔴 Module 1:
Behavior and motivation

  • How do I behave?
    Am I more people or fact oriented?
    Am I more inward or outward looking?
  • What motivates me? What drives me?

🟣 Module 2:
Emotional intelligence

  • How do I perceive myself?
  • How do I perceive others?
  • How do I control myself and my feelings?
  • How do I manage my feelings for others?

Personality assessment – the instruments

I am a partner of SCHEELEN® AG, one of the largest licensees for online personality analyses in Europe.

All assessments are processed using the Scheelen platform, with server locations exclusively in Europe.

I am accredited for the following:

  • INSIGHTS MDI® – Behavior and Motivation, Emotional Intelligencez
  • RELIEF – Stress Management
  • Outmatch ASSESS – Competence Management